Staff Retreat Program on Short Course at Rogers Park

First Tee – Tampa Bay is conducting a program on the Short Course at Rogers Park for companies who may want to conduct a “staff retreat” with their employees. The details are listed below. This is a great way for you and your team to have a fun bonding event that also supports First Tee – Tampa Bay.

Days and Times available: Mondays – Fridays, 9:00 am – 12:00 pm, September 1 – April 30.  (If a different day/time/month is needed, we may be able to accommodate on a case-by-case basis)

Activity: Golf Skill Stations (led by First Tee coaches), Par 3 Golf

# of participants: Up to 45 people maximum

Cost: $100/person (includes lunch). $50/person is tax deductible. Tax letter will be provided upon request after the event.

Equipment: First Tee – Tampa Bay will provide all golf equipment. Players are welcome to use their own golf clubs if they have them. All holes are between 60-120 yards.

Attire: Participants should wear comfortable clothes and closed-toe shoes for walking and swinging a golf club. No high heels, sandals, flip flops, or restrictive shoes/clothing.

Golf Format: Team Scramble. Members of each group (usually 3-5 players) all hit from the same spot on each shot, with the team selecting the best ball for their next shot. This continues until completion of the hole. Players will walk the golf course (approximately 750 yards in total). Golf carts are available upon request in case of injury, disability, or other special circumstances.

Other: There will be contests on the course, prizes for the Team Scramble, and other surprises.

Sample Itinerary:

9:00 am –          Welcome and Golf Skill Stations conducted by First Tee – Tampa Bay staff (Four 10-minute stations)

9:50 am –          Break into playing groups

10:00 am –        Shotgun start on golf course (specific activity and/or format would be determined by company beforehand)

11:30 am –        Catered lunch in the Cool Zone (outdoor pavilion). Lunch choice determined by company beforehand.

If you are interested in exploring this further, please fill out this one-page online form: Staff Retreat Program and someone will get back in touch with you.